Where can you find me?

Social media networks are one of the best things that happened to the human nation when it’s coming to finding someone even if he/she is across the ocean, on North Pole,  Europe, USA or Asia.

Skype has brought us closer no matter what time zone we are from, Facebook made our social life more easy, and let’s be honest… it’s FB ‘S fault that u write that sweet HELLO to the cute girl out there or the hot guy that u were dreaming about all day long.

Instagram made us to take pictures from the little things that are making our life prettier…from great tasty portion of Italian food, to the dream come true cake or gellato ! It build-ed your confidence, made u feelin’ more sexy when u take that selfie! O yes… and it brought all the fashionista’s world closer than ever. Flick, Flick and click click…strike the pose…then VOGUE.

Twitter let us tweet about what we want for! And let the world to see, hear it!

Sites such as wordpress.com and the rest of the crew, released your talent and gave the opportunity to type it, and let the world to see it. It gave ME the opportunity, to fall in love once again in the writing and to believe in the magic and the meaning of my words.

Therefore… if u wanna reach me, ask me some questions bout my opinions about life, fashion or travel or to be part of my brand new day…feel free to ask and WELCOME!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/beaderkristina

Instagram: ninabeader

Skype: kristina.beader

Twitter : @BeaderNina



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